Lipomatic Fat Removal

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Even after losing excess weight, stubborn fat continues to remain in some parts of the body and may cause discomfort in the overall body image. It is very difficult to get rid of stubborn fat, as the muscles in that area will need to be exercised regularly, no matter how much exercise is done. In this case, one of the methods you will get the best results is liposuction with lipomatic.


What is Lipomatic?

This method, which is also called lipomatic liposuction or infrasonic liposuction, is the process of vacuuming the excess fat in the body with vibrating liposuction cannulas. The purpose of fat removal with lipomatic is not weight loss and slimming but getting the body into shape. The procedures are carried out with the lipomatic device approved by FDA. Although the result is clearly seen after the recovery is achieved after the procedure, the clearest thinning takes 2-3 months. It is a much more effective method with high advantages compared to the procedures applied on the skin and other liposuction methods.


How is the Lipomatic Device Applied?

The most important point for those considering lipomatic surgery is the question of how to do lipomatic. As a result of the patient’s request and the doctor’s evaluations, the areas where lipomatic removal will be performed and the amount of adipose tissue to be removed are determined. Depending on the number of the area to be applied and the amount of fat to be removed, one of the local or general anesthesia methods is performed. The lipomatic device breaks down the fat tissue with its vibrating cannula. Then, these fat pieces are pulled out of the body by means of the vacuum in the cannula. How much fat can be removed is determined by the doctor. The patient is discharged on the same day or usually 1 day after the application. As with any operation after liposuction with lipomatic, there are some points that should be considered and followed.


Which Areas Can Lipomatic Fat Removal Be Applied?

Another question that is wondered by those who do research on lipomatic, which purifies stubborn regional fat, is the question of where to apply lipomatic. It is applied to almost every region such as waist, abdomen, under the chin, arm, leg, and after weight loss, the body tightens, stubborn fat is eliminated and therefore regional slimming is achieved. The most common areas are hip, hip, inner leg, upper arm, chest and abdomen. Anyone over the age of 18 and who does not have a chronic disease can get rid of their fat with lipomatic fat removal. Your doctor will examine you in detail beforehand and ensure that you do not experience any problems before and after lipomatic. If you have a chronic disease or if you are at risk of experiencing health problems as a result of the application, you will be definitely informed about this.


Are the Effects of Lipomatic Fat Removal Permanent?

Yes, the effects are permanent as you pay attention to your nutrition and diet. If you follow a diet rich in protein and low in carbohydrates and fat, you will not gain weight and you will not get fat again. Thus, you can continue to maintain your condition after liposuction with lipomatic. However, if you continue to live inactive and your old bad eating habits, regaining fat will be inevitable.


What are the Advantages of Lipomatic Application?

  • Since it causes not only fat loss, but also an increase in the amount of collagen, the sagging in the body is eliminated and allows a tight body.
  • Since the lipomatic fat removal process is performed with a cannula, the incision scar is small.
  • The possibility of edema and bruising is very low.
  • The application takes less time than other methods.
  • It is possible to reuse the collected fat for fat injection after the process.
  • Lipomatic fat removal is completed painlessly as it is a procedure performed without damaging the tissues and nerves.
  • It offers a homogeneous liposuction application. Therefore, there is no shadow or dent appearance. With lipomatic applications, there is a decrease in the appearance of cellulite. In other liposuction applications, there is no reduction in the appearance of cellulite.
  • Liomatic provides a comfortable application for both the doctor and the patient. Recovery is accomplished quickly. The possibility of side effects and complications is very low.


What is the Post-Lipomatic Healing Process? What Should Be Considered?

In liposuction with lipomatic, you can continue to do your daily work the next day, as the operation is painless and with a small incision. But it is also related to the amount of the fat removed and the number of the areas it is performed. You can completely return to normal life in 2 weeks. You may have a little pain for 3-4 days after the operation, but after 4 days the pain will gradually decrease. You should wear a corset after lipomatic. It is very important that you use this corset for 3 weeks. You should wait 5-6 days to take a bath and do not apply hot or cold compresses, thinking that edema does not occur. The question of how to remove post-lipomatic edema may appear in your mind. Since the tissues are not damaged during this process, mostly there is no excessive edema. The use of corsets also prevents edema. After the liposuction with lipomatic, heavy movements should not be performed, and no medication, including painkillers recommended by the doctor, should not be used. Sudden movements should be avoided, as dizziness may occur as an effect of anesthesia. After lipomatic, you need to take a break from sports and long walks until you recover completely.


How Are Lipomatic Prices Determined?

The prices of liposuction with lipomatic vary according to the area of application, the amount of fat taken, the quality of the device and the experience of the doctor. For a consultation you can contact Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Specialist Dr. Mahmut Sunay and his professional team. With lipomatic, which should be done in expert hands, you can have the application of fat removal with peace of mind.

Working Hours

Monday – Friday 9.00 – 18.00
Saturday 10.00 – 15.00
Sunday Closed
Public Holiday Closed

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